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ISIS bride who fled to Syria & urged jihadis to attack US
ISIS bride who fled to Syria & urged jihadis to attack US

Mar 25, 2021 | studies

European Observatory to Combat Radicalization

JIHAD-IT COMING ISIS bride who fled to Syria & urged jihadis to attack US says morality police punished her for wearing Nike trainers

The sun – AN ISIS bride who urged fanatics to “spill American blood” has told how the terror group’s brutal morality police punished her for wearing Nike trainers. Hoda Muthana, 25, has been caged inside the squalid Roj camp in Syria with her young son since the death cult’s demise and insists one day she could be a “model” US citizen. Her story features in a 90-minute documentary called ‘The Return: Life After ISIS’ which premiered at the South by SouthWest film festival in Austin, Texas, earlier this week.

Muthana fled her home in Birmingham, Alabama, in 2014 and headed to battle-scarred Syria where she then used social media to push for violence against the US.However she claims she quickly discovered that ISIS was nothing more than a bloody “cult that wanted to use Islam to gain more power… and more money.”The young mum said she had hoped that the Caliphate would be a “happy place with Muslims helping” each other out but in reality was “hell on Earth.”

And she told how the terror group’s hardline morality police even chastised her when they spotted her bright pink Nikes poking out from beneath her burka, reports the to the Counter Extremism Project, Muthana took part in vile ISIS propaganda and even urged jihadists in the US to go on deadly shooting sprees.After her first husband, an Australian jihadist, was killed in Kobani, she urged ISIS supporters to “go on drivebys, and spill all of their blood, or rent a big truck and drive all over them.“Veterans, Patriots, Memorial, etc day… Kill them,” she added.

However, she insists she has now seen the light and described ISIS’s murderous operations as “complete corruption(which) ruined many people’s lives.”The runaway said things reached an all-time low when her son was forced to eat grass for dinner.She said: “I dropped everything and left. I walked out, I just walked despite there being (explosive devices) and not being the way out.”I walked out with the Syrians just to save my child and me from the starvations and the bombings and this horrible way.”I really regret it for the rest of my life and wish I could erase.”

Muthana told the documentary makers she joined ISIS because she wanted to feel useful.She said: “I felt like I was useless my whole life. And every website I visited (said) the Syrians need help and the Syrians are starving and the Syrians are going through trouble.”So I got really sucked into that and I felt really bad as Muslims leaving them behind.”I had what was called at the time, a Muslim Twittersphere. I suddenly became really upset.

“Me and my mom didn’t have such a good relationship. And I thought I can improve it by being more religious because she’s very religious.”And I learned all of this on my own online. When you are brainwashed, you don’t realize it and so you snap out of it.”On the documentary, Muthana is asked by another ISIS bride what she would do first if she ever got the chance to go back to the States.She jokingly replied: “Put me in a room with 10 burgers! Melted cheese and chili on top…I missed food so much.”In 2019, we reported how her dad claimed he was suing Donald Trump for banning her from America.

Ahmed Ali Muthana argued in the suit filed in federal court in Washington that his daughter is an American citizen by birth and should be allowed to come back to the US with her toddler.Muthana said that she had a “meltdown” when the then President said he had effectively banned her from returning to the country she considers home.She said that the tough language left her feeling that “I didn’t know what would happen to me.”

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