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France has warned that foreigners who are radicalised or disturb public
France has warned that foreigners who are radicalised or disturb public

May 10, 2021 | studies

Refugees violating French values will be deported, Interior Minister warns  – France has warned that foreigners who are radicalised or disturb public order will lose their refugee status, as debate on immigration control intensifies following last month’s murder of a police worker near Paris.In an interview with daily newspaper Le Figaro Thursday, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said: “Our policy is clear: judge foreigners for what they do and not for what they are.”   Refugees violating French values will be deported, Interior Minister warns

Authorities were working to ensure that anyone appearing on terrorism alert lists or found to be engaged in radicalised behaviour is deported, Darmanin said. However he conceded that expelling people from France had also been complicated by coronavirus border closures.“We consider that a foreigner who has committed a serious act no longer has a place in France,” Darmanin said, adding that over the past three months 147 people had lost their asylum protections.   Refugees violating French values will be deported, Interior Minister warns

Revived trauma                                                                             

Last month, a police administrative worker was stabbed to death in the Paris suburb of Rambouillet – the latest in a string of terror attacks that have targeted the security forces.Stéphanie Monfermé, a mother of two, was posthumously awarded the Legion of Honour, the country’s highest distinction.  Refugees violating French values will be deported, Interior Minister warns

Prosecutors said a Tunisian-born man suspected of her murder had been heard shouting “Allahu akbar,” Arabic for “God is great,” during the attack – which has revived the trauma of a spate of deadly Islamist attacks in recent years.Polls show that violent crime and religious extremism is a major concern ahead of next year’s presidential election, in which President Emmanuel Macron is expected to seek a second term.  Refugees violating French values will be deported, Interior Minister warns

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