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Bundeswehr soldier posted a video which contained “threats against the rule of law”
Bundeswehr soldier posted a video which contained "threats against the rule of law"

Jan 7, 2022 | studies

Germany: Prosecutors investigate soldier over video threat

DW – The soldier threatened the state over Germany’s vaccine requirements for those serving with the Bundeswehr. Bavaria’s Central Office for Combating Extremism and Terrorism is not ruling out an extremist motive.Bavaria’s Central Office for Combating Extremism and Terrorism (ZET) is taking over proceedings after a Bundeswehr soldier posted a video which contained “threats against the rule of law.”The ZET on Monday confirmed that it was assuming the case as it recognized that “extremism” could not be ruled out, while it continued its investigations into the production of the video which was widely shared on social media.The soldier, who was briefly arrested at the end of December and has since been released, expressed his vehement opposition to a vaccine mandate for care workers and those in the Bundeswehr.

What did the soldier allegedly threaten?

The man is being investigated for possibly inciting the public to commit a crime.”A video of a supposed soldier, which has been shared here a lot, is currently circulating online,” the German Defense Ministry wrote on Twitter last week. “It contains threats against the rule of law that are unacceptable. The consequences are already being examined.” In the one-minute clip, the man appears to be dressed in a Bundeswehr uniform and gives what he claims to be his surname and rank.

His message targets the vaccine mandate for both healthcare workers and soldiers.He then warns the German state that it has until “tomorrow at 4 p.m.” to revoke these rules, without specifying which day he means or exactly what actions he will take.Numerous reports of far-right extremists within the German armed forces have emerged in recent years, leading to dismissals and even prosecutions.About 71% of people in Germany are fully vaccinated.The new German government has said it will consider introducing a full-scale obligation to be vaccinated in early 2022.

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