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Counter Extremism ـ Extremism poses threat to Britain
Counter Extremism

Jun 18, 2022 | studies

Islamic ideology is more dangerous to Britain than the extreme right – in The Times

The Times – Beginning with The Times, we read an article claiming that Islamism poses a threat to Britain, entitled “Islamism is a greater threat than the extreme right”, by James Forsyth.The writer noted that “the government’s first duty is to preserve the safety of citizens and the security of the country,” this was stated by the British Home Office website. There are few things that could be more important to keeping a country safe than fighting terrorism and how the state and society prevent people from being drawn into violence. But there are growing concerns about Britain’s success in this matter.

The writer explained that the British strategy to combat terrorism is called “ Preventprevention, whose goal, in the government’s words, is “to protect people who are vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism.” But it is very unpopular with some pressure groups that have wanted to abolish it for years on the grounds that it risks creating intellectual crime.He noted that it has faced repeated criticism that it specifically targeted Muslims, even though it also covers right-wing extremism. But there were also concerns that it was failing to address the true ideological drivers of terrorism.

The writer says that six years ago this week, Member of Parliament Jo Cox was murdered by a white supremacist. Last October, another member, Sir David Amis, was murdered by an Islamist.He points out that “the killing of two of our representatives in this way is gruesome evidence of the danger facing the country. The third MP, Stephen Tims, faced an attempted murder of an al-Qaeda sympathizer in 2010.”The writer believes that right-wing extremism and Islamism feed on each other and there is no way to deal with one without addressing the other.

But he claims that Islamism is the biggest threat right now, given that nearly three-quarters of those detained for terrorism-related offenses in March last year were Muslims.Forsyth notes that Islamist ideology has greater coherence and penetration than far-right extremists, even the identity movement (a far-right European nationalist political ideology), and armed jihadist groups use international fighters in conflicts around the world, while the global far right is becoming more organized and interconnected. However, he has not advanced militarily yet.

However, less than a quarter of referrals to Prevent The government is related to the Islamists, which the writer considers surprising.He points out that far-right extremism and Islamism are not treated in the same way. With Islamism, some extreme sentiments are overlooked. If there is insufficient interest in Islamic ideology, the opposite is true with the extreme right.


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