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Counter Terrorism ـ Behavioural Insights to Counter Terrorism
Counter Terrorism

Feb 20, 2023 | studies

Understanding Behavioural Insights for Counter-Terrorism – Behavioural insights, through a combination of diverse disciplines such as psychology, behavioural economics, cognitive science and social science, examines how people think, behave and make decisions. This approach focuses on understanding what actually influences the decisions and behaviours of people, rather than relying on assumptions of how they should act based on traditional models. In doing so, it ensures policies and programmes reflect actual needs and motivators for greater impact and effectiveness.

Insights from behavioural science help us gain a better understanding of the threat of terrorism and violent extremism, which require evidence-based research and analysis of individual, contextual and structural factors affecting human motivations, actions, interactions and responses. There is no single set of drivers that push or pull an individual into violent extremist action. Research shows the presence of certain recurrent drivers, which either in isolation or in combination with other factors, lead to radicalization and violent extremism conducive to terrorism. Many of these drivers have behavioural roots and require behavioural tools such as education, strategic messaging, rehabilitation, youth empowerment, employment facilitation, skills development, community engagement, gender equality, inclusion and conflict resolution.

A behavioural insights approach enables the identification of risk and resilience factors and the development of empirically validated interventions for policymakers and practitioners to effectively prevent and counter violent extremism.

International Hub on Behavioural Insights to Counter Terrorism

The BI Hub, a UNOCT Programme Office in Doha, was established by UNOCT in partnership with the State of Qatar, in 2020. The BI Hub acts as a global platform for creating knowledge around behavioural insights to prevent and counter terrorism, disseminating lessons learned and good practices, and creating a professional network of experts, academics, practitioners, and policymakers.

The Hub provides capacity-building support that meets the needs and priorities of Member States to address evolving terrorist threats. The Hub also provides outreach opportunities, in order to strengthen coordination among various counter-terrorism actors on behaviourally informed interventions. This serves to further mobilise resources, seek synergies for joint programming and strengthen the effective implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.

As the lead unit of UNOCT working on the application of behavioural insights to counter-terrorism, the BI Hub plays an important role in carrying forward the integration of research and analysis of individual, contextual and structural factors affecting human motivations, actions, interactions, and responses that give us a better understanding of the threats of terrorism and violent extremism.


The Hub has facilitated preparation of strategic partnership agreements and Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with educational and research institutions based in Qatar and globally, for example:
a. Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), Qatar, on cooperation and implementation of the joint projects.
b. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Academy in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, on research and education.
c. Silatech, a non-profit, non-governmental organization in Qatar, on behavioural insights approaches to prevent radicalization and in support of employment and business opportunities for youth

Projects and Initiatives

Behavioral Insights Academy (BI Academy)

In 2022, the BI Hub commenced work leading to the development and creation of a Behavioral Insights Academy; a learning platform for the practical application of behavioral sciences in countering terrorism and violent extremism. The Academy will provide capacity building and technical support to all beneficiaries of the BI Hub, including United Nations agencies and staff, Member States, civil society representatives, and other relevant actors interested in the practical implementation of BI in their work in preventing terrorism and radicalization.

“Going to Extremes” and ‘Power of the Pitch’ Podcasts

In 2022, the Hub launched a pioneer podcast series, with a focus on communication, outreach, partnerships, as well as sharing knowledge, experiences and lessons learned on behaviourally informed counter-terrorism interventions. The purpose is to provide practitioners with the latest knowledge on behavioural insights in CT and P/CVE, and bridge the gap between the theoretical and practical application of behavioural insights to CT and P/CVE. In addition, the BI Hub launched the “Power of the Pitch” podcast series on the occasion of the International Day for the Prevention of Violent Extremism as and when Conducive to Terrorism. All BI Hub podcasts are available here and on major podcast platforms.

Guidance Note on Behavioural Insights Approach to Fostering Resilience in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE)

The Hub will launch the Guidance Note during a side event on the margins of the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5). The side event entitled ‘Leveraging a Behavioral Insights Approach to Build Resilience to Radicalization: Launch of the UNOCT BI Hub Guidance Note” – in partnership with Qatar Charity and the Government of Rwanda will present the document with step-by step guidance on how to design project document focused on building resilience using BI as a tool.

Joint Project “Using Behavioural Insights to Strengthen Law Enforcement Capabilities to Protect Vulnerable Targets”
This joint initiative between three UNOCT offices in Doha, Madrid and Rabat aims to improve the security and protection of vulnerable targets in public events, and provide guidance on the response to terrorist attacks, .

E-learning Platform

The Hub is currently developing training materials and dedicated modules on the application of behavioural insights to counter terrorism, aligned with the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, the UN PVE Plan of Action, and other relevant resources. These materials and modules will be used in capacity-building workshops, training and seminars for Member States, regional and international organizations, civil society, local communities and religious institutions, academic and research institutions, NGOs, and the private sector.

Mindfulness-based Training

Evidence shows that mental health significantly impacts returnees upon reintegration success, suggesting a high prevalence of mental health problems in radical groups as compared to the general population. This new tendency of individuals suffering from anxiety, depression, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other psychopathology conditions presents a unique problem insufficiently addressed by existing PCVE efforts. To address recidivism, reintegration and rehabilitation and ensure that mental health resources are provided, the BI Hub is developing an evidence-based program, which is premised upon eight well-validated mindfulness practices.


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