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Counter Terrorism in EU ـ Strengthening links with the communities to improve security in Sahel
Counter Terrorism

Sep 5, 2023 | studies

European Observatory to Combat Radicalization – EOCR

“Strengthening links with the communities to improve security” is one of the key objectives of EUCAP Sahel Mali’s community policing training courses – As part of its mandate, EUCAP Sahel Mali provides ‘community policing’ trainings to Mali’s Internal Security Forces (ISF), including the National Police, the Gendarmerie and the National Guard.The aim of this training is to equip the ISF with skills and knowledge to improve communication and collaboration with the community in order to identify and solve security problems together. The training aims to strengthen the ISF’s ability to forge solid relationships with communities and to establish an environment of trust with the local population and civil society organisations. These efforts will lead citizens to be involved in security issues and be better protected.

Henk Thijs, from the Netherlands, is one of the Mission’s experienced trainers in community policing. According to Henk, “Understanding local culture and transfer of knowledge are pertinent in order that trainings can be implemented effectively with sustainable outcomes. The training courses are very much appreciated by our local partners because we have a long experience of best practice in community policing and we are obviously happy to share our skills and knowledge. We sometimes wonder whether our methods are being implemented, but these concerns fade when we see success stories”.

The mission also focuses on the training of Malian trainers and developing pedagogical kits to ensure the transfer of expertise, ownership of the “community policing” training process and the continuity of capacity-building activities beyond the efforts of EUCAP Sahel Mali. The training experts focus on tactics for communicating with communities, understanding and responding to the needs of the community, passing on relevant information to the respective ISF chain of command and teaching effective techniques. Subsequently, the Malian trainees conduct the training jointly with the EUCAP trainers until they are ready to give them independently.

Major Kissane Sacko who recently gave an exclusive interview to the Mission has nearly 40 years of experience with law enforcement and is one of the key success stories in implementing community policing in Bamako. Mr. Sacko states: “I really appreciate the initiative (community policing) of EUCAP Sahel Mali and encourage the Mission to extend the training to all levels in order for it to be implemented.”

EUCAP Sahel Mali recognises the key role of civil society in security sector reform and other peace-related processes in Mali, and developing the relationship between civil society and local authorities is therefore one of the key topics. In line with its Mandate, the Mission also systematically includes modules on human rights and gender in all community policy trainings.


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